Classic Album Covers

15 mins
violin, viola & cello

Premiere: 25 September 2022
Darlington Town Hall, Western Australia
Darlington Players: Semra Lee - violin, Sally Boud - viola, Jonathan Tooby - cello

Programme Note

Classic Album Covers is a set of seven miniatures - each a musical response to some of the most recognisable, most famous or personal favourite album covers from the days of vinyl records. I chose the albums based entirely on the cover artwork and generally not the artist or the music. I have to admit to only owning four out of the seven albums and there are a couple of albums that I have listened to countless times. It is safe to say it is a biased, entirely un-scientific and personal list without any measure of data, research or polling.
Each title is a 'mash-up' of the artist's name with the title of the album:
1. Neverna
2. Pink Moon
3. Born in the Spring
4. Strait Arms
5. Duri Duro
6. Oxyjean
7. Beabey Road.
Each miniature is purely a musical response to the artwork. They don't contain any references to the music on the record. The intent was to capture the spirit of the imagery. Classic Album Covers was written for my friends in the Darlington Trio: Semra, Sally and Jon.

To borrow or purchase the score from the Australian Music Centre click here

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